Thursday, December 28, 2017

GOODBYE 2017 - WELCOME 2018!

As I walk into 2018 I am blessed with a decision I made last year.

For just over a year I worked for a publisher as their Marketing Director, then their Social Media division. At first, I was thrilled with the job. When the grandgirls arrived in June for the summer, something in me shifted. I realized that no job (especially one I wasn't paid for) was more important than family. I spent the summer agonizing over spending time with the girls while realizing I should be getting some work done.

For me, family ALWAYS comes first. No exceptions. The rest will come in its own time.

While I didn't get to celebrate the turn of the wheel, I did have a vision as I drifted off to sleep.

I wish I could draw, because the vision was incredibly real.

I saw a cauldron. Over the cauldron I held a small piece of paper, burning in one corner, and the word JOB printed in bold black letters.

When I awoke the next morning I knew what I had to do. A week later I turned in my resignation and as of December 1, I have been happily unemployed - or rather self-employed and doing what I love - CREATING.

I know I dropped the ball on a lot of projects last year. Mostly due to the job I no longer have. The BOS was one project I really wanted to finish by the turn of the wheel. I was doing fine until I ran out of paper (How did 500 sheets disappear over the course of 8 years in storage?) I'm hoping this new ream of paper will be a close enough match or I'm tea-staining the whole lot! 

Then I had to prep the house for company, followed by a 4-day conference, then the week-long company. Before I knew it, the wheel was turning and I'd not completed the one project I really wanted done. But I'm hopeful. Now that I'm on my in my own creative time-zone.

I am still happy with the publisher as a whole and hope to pitch my non-fiction book ideas to them. But I'm also thinking I like the idea of indie-publishing and creating the companion workbooks.  Time and the universe will tell.

What changes are you hoping for in 2018? Have you put yourself on your course of change since the turn of the wheel or are you just starting out? I hope you'll leave a comment below and tell me your thoughts.


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