Monday, July 25, 2022


Good morning, everyone!

As I type this, another beautiful day is forecast for the Ozarks. Of course, it's supposed to be hot but it IS July. In spite of the heat, the heat, the garden is doing well. I've transplanted 12 new zucchini plants. We'll see how they do. Squash bugs got one of my first round before I caught them. If you have squash bugs and need an organic recipe for sending them on to their next life, let me know in the comments. I'm happy to share what works for me.

Our affirmation for this week:

It's fun to 
love my life
more and more
every day.

As I get my house/ studio back in order, I'm finding myself less stressed and loving my life more and more every day. How are you doing?

Blessed Be

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