Wednesday, April 22, 2020

HAPPY EARTH DAY! - Bee Polinators Reign

I should be in the greenhouse planting seeds... actual seeds. I wanted to start a couple of weeks ago. I even cleaned up the seed tables and put my starter pots in their trays...

Then I found a mama wren had built a nest in my wicker baskets. She has four little eggs. I don't want to disturb her, have her leaving the nest. She needs to keep those little babies warm until they're ready to join us.

She is pretty good about me staying to my end of the greenhouse but don't make eye contact. As soon as she knows she's been spotted, out of the nest she comes and lights somewhere in a corner until I leave.

I've also had to keep an eye on the temperature in there. Incubation for eggs is 99*F but the greenhouse can get to almost 200* on a full sun day. So I open the East door to let a breeze through then just open the window on the West door. I don't want a breeze hitting the nest.  If I've figured correctly, we should have baby birds in about another five days or so.

What I wanted to do today was to direct you to BEES.. yes, those buzzy little flyers that can be a nuisance. But remember, not all bees are POLINATOR BEES.

Last year, I bought a couple of THESE at Menards but didn't put them out because my youngest granddaughter is terrified of anything that buzzes. Those little houses were only $3.50 last year! Now look at the price.
But I knew I wanted at least a couple more. I need some in the orchard. So I found these:

12" Swiss Alps Bee House
The ones last year were painted bright colors. These come natural so I plan to paint them this week. Then I'm going to seal the wood on all four of them as well as the butterfly houses the girls painted last year. I might get some of these projects caught up yet.

If you want to know more about the importance of Polinators, check out The Honeybee Conservancy

When you're through there, check out this link in GOOGLE DOODLES and chill with their Bee Polinator game.

Remember, we all hold the Earth in our care.

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