Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Goddess, I can't believe it's been over a month since I posted. We took our first vacation in 20+ years the week after the last post, then the in-laws were here for a week. I spent the whole next week getting back into a schedule.

Today marked the second- to- last harvest of the cycle. The pantry is full of goodness reaped from the garden and we've already sampled some of the bounty. Soon we will be protecting the hibernating plants for winter and preparing for Samhain. This will be my first Samhain with my granddaughter. Though she will be just under two years, there is so much she can enjoy.

Here in the Ozarks, the days are in the upper 70's and the nights in the mid 50's. I love it. The window open, the fan pulling in the lovely smells of a autumn night. When I drive my daughter to work on early mornings, the mist nestles amongst the valley's. It's is breathtaking. It's my one joy in getting up and out the door by 5 a.m. Soon the leaves will be changing color, intensifying the beauty.

The hummingbirds are still buzzing around. Chatters was at the feeder this afternoon. They are fewer in number and I suspect they will be gone by end of the week.

The garden and brown spiders are enmasse. The garden spiders are beautiful and I love to look at the intricacy of their web with the little zipper string in the center. The brown spiders, I'm not so crazy about but they have their place as well.

Speaking of the spiders, I have noticed them building a lot closer to the house this year and the garden spiders have been right up by the door. Everything seems to be coming in a couple weeks ahead of normal. I'm watching other signs from Mother Earth. I think she's telling me to prepare.

Are you prepared for winter?

And while we're on the subject of being prepared, I am working on the book and will begin posting snippets sometime next week. I hope you will comment. Anything you see I might explain better, give more detail about or include in the book will be appreciated and a blessing.

Many Blessings

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