Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Do you ever feel like this guy:

I can't seem to get off the wheel no matter how hard I try. Maybe I'm trying too hard.
I do know I have a lot going on but in contemplation, there isn't anything I want to give up!


Every time I tried to work this week something has gone wrong - and it's only Tuesday!

Seems like every time I sit down to dive in the deep end and get stuff caught up, 
Life Happens!

I try to keep this consistent but as you can see, I've not made this blog a priority.
Maybe if I had people responding to posts would help. Because honestly, there are days I wonder if it's worth it.

With things already getting in the way
~like a power outage yesterday and unexpected computer updates today ~
I'm not going to stress about getting stuff up at all this week.

Instead, I'm going to lay the ground work for scheduled posts NEXT WEEK.
Then next week I can get the posts up for the week after that... and so on.

I have some things I want to share including a talented musician.

For the rest of this week, I just want to BREATHE and CREATE

Keep the cauldron bubbling.
I'll see you next week!
