This is a common sight in my yard. What began as a family of three gray squirrels has turned into five... apparently a couple of cousins moved in from the timber. One of the little critters is a youngin', probably not much more than a year old. That youngest one will invariably climb into the feeder outside the living room window.
I do not run the critters off... except for the one who keeps cleaning out the woodpecker feeder. I just try to make sure there is enough food for everyone.
Then there is one of these... a garden spider. They normally do not begin appearing until mid-late August. We are barely into week two of July and I found one hanging out by the potato tires yesterday. Way too early for them. Is this a nudge from Mother we should begin preparing for winter?
I spent most of my Sunday watching 'pantry' and dehydrating videos on YouTube. Mind you, some of them are preppers, but two are NOT about the SHTF folks... just ladies trying to make sure that whatever comes their way, their family is fed.
Here were three folks I particularly liked:
In between videos yesterday, I put all of our dry pastas into glass jars and sealed them with my Food Saver. I love that kitchen gadget.
This afternoon, I hope to get onions on the food dehydrator. We bought #10 of Vidalia from the Shriners a couple of months back. We've had so much rain that the humidity to try and run the dehydrator out in the green house would have been useless. But, we are looking at two or three dry days so I'm going to try and get those done.
Do you stock a pantry? Please share your tips.