Monday, March 3, 2025


 Merry Meet, everyone!

After a long absence of finding my space again, I'm ready to return to regular postings. Thank you to everyone who've enjoyed my Monday posts and for your patience. I may only have one more post this week - talking about what I have planned - then we'll be back to inspiring!

Blessed Be!
~ Rain

Monday, February 24, 2025


 Merry Meet, my friends!

The cabin is a bit dusty but I'll have it cleaned up and ready for visitors again soon. My plan is to open the doors and windows the first week in March. 

I love numbers and am studying numerology this year, so when dates come up I know there is magic in the air.

In case you've not noticed:


Photo lifted from

Among many this celebrated on this day, it is also World Spay Day. I know this might seem cruel to some folks, and everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, if you are okay with spaying and don't have a pet, consider making a spaying fee donation to your local animal shelter or veterinarian's office.

I took the second half of 2024 off to try and bring order to the chaos in my office/ studio. I'm not done yet but at least everything is sorted together and I know where stuff needs to go. Now to find time to put stuff away while still creating and writing. 

I'm also participating in the #dothe100dayproject. If you don't know what that is, the challenge is to do something creative, everyday, for the next 100 days. We started on the 23rd but feel free to jump in.

Some folks are making actual art pieces, finishing up unfinished projects or sorting through their stuff a little bit every day.  Me, I'm using a card sketch to make a tag. I have lots of manilla file folder 3x5 tag bases, over 600 stamp SETS and LOTS of patterned paper. Here's an example of my tag from yesterday:

I have over 300 card sketches I've collected. I pick one and condense the sketch from a 4.25 x 5.5 card front to a 3 x 5 tag. I've also broken the 100 tags to be made down in to 10 themed categories with 10 tags in each category. When I'm finished, I'll have enough tags for 10 themed journals (yet to be made)

I have a plan for posts coming up so I'll be back March 3rd.

Blessed Be

Monday, July 29, 2024


 Merry Meet, friends!

I should be arriving home today or tomorrow. As I'm scheduling this post prior to leaving, I'm optimistic the trip was fabulous!

Again, as this is scheduled, I'm hoping I had a great view of the Full Moon last night. I'll be posting more when I return. With that, this week's quote is especially poignant. 

Blessed Be!
~ Rain

Monday, July 22, 2024


 Merry Meet, friends!

Today's post finds Bob holding down the home-front and caring for the critters while I'm on the road to visit my grandgirls. I've not seen them since 2019. They are both teenagers... well Abby will be 13 in October. Adrian turned 16 last year. Where does the time go?!

Blessed Be!
~ Rain

Monday, July 15, 2024


 Merry Meet, my friends.

Bob comes home in three days and there's so much I want to get done before then. I'm prepping for a trip to see my grandgirls next week so trying to get ahead of things here. 

I hope you're having a beautiful summer season.

Blessed Be!

Monday, July 8, 2024


 Merry Meet, friends.

Where does the time go?! I've been swamped over here - of my own doing. As we approach the next Full Moon, I'm hoping to get back in a groove.

Blessed Be!
~ Rain

Monday, June 10, 2024


 Merry Meet, friends!

Trying to get some things caught up before I travel later in the month. I'd hoped to attend a couple events last weekend but weather just refused to cooperate.

The Goddess protected us from a tornado on Memorial Sunday, leaving the cyclone to hover over our house for several minutes before moving on. Not an experience I want to create but we were blessed by her protection.

Blessed Be!
~ Rain